THE FRIENDLY GRAY FOXES VIDEOS AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF FOXES AND NATURE IN CENTRAL FLORIDA BY SANDRA L RUSSELL If you visit my blog please leave a short comment and let me know you were here. If you are intersted in nature photography and foxes in particular please sign up to follow my blog. Thank you, Sandra
July 29, 2010
July 16, 2010
JULY 14, 2010
Today was a great day for fox watching as 7 foxes all came out at the same time. Three adults and all four of the kits!
The one kit in the front with the adults has some spots of fur missing but I really don't know why. He is just fine and very active. All I can do is speculate what might have happened but it was more noticeable a week ago so his fur is coming back fine.
The three adults in the front are the parents of the kits and then Shyanne whom I believe is the grandma fox... also the matriarch of the whole fox clan that lives here. She was pregnant in February and then she took off for a while and came back again in April and she did not have any kits with her. She has now joined this family and I see her with the kits more than the young mother or father. She must have missed not having her own litter this year and she is helping with her daughters family of four. Shyanne had her litter her last year and that is when I first met the foxes.....
July 15, 2010
young fox joins his grandma

July 13, 2010

FOXES DO NOT EAT CATS. They are pretty much indifferent to them. Foxes stay 15 -20 feet from all other animals ... that is their comfort zone.
I am no exception.
They may sit out side and wait for me all morning but when I come down the stairs and go into the yard they will start backing up or feeling uneasy...
I am glad. I have no intention of trying to make these fox pets. It is the wildness that attracts me. Their adaptability is amazing. I am very lucky to be able to observe a whole family/clan as you will, of foxes in their natural habitat. They actually made me their friend not the other way around.
It was the foxes who built their home 30 feet from my back door and chose to live under my house and it was the foxes who summoned me when one of their own needed help.
Truthfully, I am a city girl living in the country and quit frankly, the first time I saw one of the foxes I was afraid. I had been taught to fear a fox ....sly, eat your chickens,kill your cats and dogs, hunt them down, rabies...blah blah blah... how foolish to trust fables...as fact.
Getting to know the foxes has been one of the most interesting parts of my whole life and I have been around quit awhile now.
Really. I know, that sound hard to believe, being a fox and all, but it is true.
to be continued....
Foxes are very, very smart.
July 12, 2010
young fox cubs playing

These kits were born back by this old studio about a football field from the house.
There parents are very protective of their young..on this particular day that I took these pictures, I did not see any adults around for the 45 minutes I was able to observe them romping and playing.
The next day, was a different story.
So excited to have seen the new litter, I was hoping for a similar show, but when I went back to the same spot, I was met by the dad fox and by the look on his face, I decided against it so I snaped his picture and said "see ya later dad"!
After that I never saw them back there again. It is common for a fox to move its litter if they feel it has been threatened, even by a fox loving fan.