This is a photograph of Young Mom and her partner Handsome Fox.
If you notice the mom is still showing from nursing her young. It was early June when I took this image. Mother is not showing at all any more and the young juveniles are running around, and emulating their parents at this point. They are getting braver everyday as it is not long now that they will move away from "home" and start their quest to make their own family.
This is the second litter I have watched grow up. I get pangs of "empty nest" myself , knowing that they will all be leaving soon. It will be interesting to see who stays behind the tree this fall.
August 1st, 2010 ...

Whenever I leave for an art fair, I am always afraid that when I get home that all the foxes will have moved on.
However, that has not been the case as they live and play and raise their young here. I am just part of all that to them.... when I am here, they know I bring them treats but they do not rely on my small hand out for food.
They are great hunters and love to eat bugs and moles and other small rodents. There is plenty of fox food around here!
When they come to the fox brunch, it is a way for them to gather and enjoy each others company and the day without fear that something will happen to them. If I had a dog, I would not have foxes. Most people who live in the county have dogs so their property is not safe for a fox. That is why I think I have so many here.
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